Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"The Insider's Guide To Choosing an Avilliate Program

Becoming an affiliate is a critical step
Toward earning BIG MONEY on the
Internet. As an affiliate, you advertise the
Products or services of others. Convenient
Because you don't have to go through the
Rigmarole of creating your own products.
You simply place a Google Ad which
Directs reader to the website you are

But which company? Choosing an
Affiliate company to promote deserves
Serious consideration. Some Tips:

1.Join for free. Associate with a company
That doesn't charge a monthly fee.

2.Don't waste time with low commission
Programs. Your time is valuable. As an
Affiliate, it's just as easy to earn $20 as it is
To earn $1

3.Study the company's web site. Does it
Look professional? Does it do a good job of
Convincing people to buy? A good site with
A great sales pitch or letter will make money
For you.

4.The best sites: 1) offer a moneyback
Guarantee 2) have testimonials from satisfied
Customers 3) accept online payments 4) offer
Secure online ordering.

5.Choose companies that pay every 2 weeks
(vs those that make you wait 2-3 months)

6.Do you just want to make money, or do you
Want to go with a product or service
Related to your personal interests? A
Combination of the 2 is ideal.

7.Company statistics (tracking your sales)
should be in real time and available 24/7

8.Set up should be easy. For some programs,
You can take up to an hour just trying to figure
Out how to sign up. Not worth the hassle.

9.Look for companies that offer lifetime
Commissions. When a customer you referred
Buys again, you get paid.

10.Do a Google search and find out what other
Affiliates think about the company. Punch in the
Company name and study the reviews.

11.Preferably the company you join offers
Products or services people need and use.

12.Go with what is popular. What is popular
Offline will be popular online, like golf, weight
Loss, etc. WOrdtracker
will show the Popularity of your product or service.

13.Join the 2 biggest affiliate networks:
Clickbank and Commission Junction. By signing
Up ONCE with either of these, you have access
To thousands of programs.

Clickbank offers digital products,
Downloadable in minutes. Some other Clickbank
Advantages: 1) high commissions, up to 75% of
Product's value 2) real time stats, 24/7 3) sends
Checks every 2 weeks.

Commission Junction offers physical goods
Available via snail mail.

14.You want to be able to reach someone at
The company if you have questions. Send a test
Question via email. 24 hours or less to respond
Is good.

15.Don't dilute your focus by signing up with
Too many companies at once. You spread
Yourself too thin and end up doing a little on each
One. As a beginner, FOCUS. Iron out the kinks
Then move on to the next program once the first
One is on autopilot.

16.Companies to avoid: 1) get-paid-to-surf
Programs 2) programs that offer guaranteed
Traffic 3) send-cash-in-the-mail programs
4) gifting programs 5) chain letters.

17.Be willing to be offbeat. The subject of
Online marketing is saturated and the competition
Is stiff. Look for hidden nuggets, subjects where
The competition is not as tough.

18.Go with a program that pays you to recruit
Others. That way, you double your efforts.

19.Here's my favorite: Programs that only
Require reader to sign up or register. Reader
Doesn't have to buy anything! For example,
Lending programs that pay you when reader
Only fills out an application.

20.If you already have a web site, choose a
Program that complements your site.

21.Contact the top affiliates in your chosen
Program. Let them be your mentors. They
Can show you how it's really done.

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