Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"Wordtracker: A MUST-HAVE Tool For Your Online Success

To succeed online with Google Cash, you
MUST become familiar with Wordtracker
(www.wordtracker.com )

What is Wordtracker and why is it so
Important? Targeting the right keywords
For your online business is critical. Target
The wrong keywords and you are out of
Business. Wordtracker helps you target
The right (that is, profitable) keywords.

Wordtracker is a database of words and
Phrases people use when they want
Information. With Wordtracker, you enter
A keyword or phrase and Wordtracker
Tells you how often people search for it.
They also tell you how many competing
Sites use your keyword.

Wordtracker also helps you find all the
Keyword combinations that bear any
Relationship to your keyword, many of
Which you may never have considered.

Of course, what you are after is a keyword
Or phrase that doesn't have too much
Competition, but one that many people are
Searching for.

Enter KEI (keyword effectiveness index),
To my mind the most valuable part of
Wordtracker. KEI refers to the number of
Times a given keyword has appeared on
Wordtracker. The higher the KEI, the more
Popular your keyword is and the less
Competition it has.

I cannot overstress the importance of the
KEI number. It will dramatically cut down
On wasted money by eliminating
Unprofitable keywords and phrases.

According to Wordtracker, you want
Keywords with a KEI of 11 or higher. A KEI
Of 11-100 is good. A KEI of 101-400 is
Great. A KEI over 400 and you are in

Now for an example. Your business has
To do with tennis.

1.Go to http://www.googlecash.com/wordtracker
2.Click on "tour."
3.Now type in the keyword "tennis."
Wordtracker will present you with a list of
Related words.
4.Click on any related keyword, e.g.
"tennis apparel."
5.Now click on keywords on the right
To add to your "basket"
6.Next, email the keywords in the basket
To yourself.
7.Then do a "competition search." You
Will get a KEI of 14.609 for "tennis apparel."
That KEI is greater than 10, so it is a
Potentially profitable keyword phrase.

See Lesson 4 of this ecourse for how to
Use Wordtracker most effectively.

Wordtracker offers a free trial version.
I suggest you go there:

And tinker around with this valuable tool.
Then order a trial version for a day, week, or

The trial versions present you with only
30 related keywords for any given keyword
you punch in. Paid versions give up to 1500
for the same word or phrase!

O.K. ... get tinkering...and watch your
Profits grow.

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