Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"Create Your Personal Cash Cow With Niche Marketing

Niche marketing involves finding tiny
But popular niche markets that have little or
No direct competition, then selling products
And services to these niches.

What are the benefits of niche marketing?
Less competition. Not having to compete
Against the big guys with more money.
Coping with competitors not nearly as savvy
About web marketing as you will be after
Reading this ecourse. And the ease with
Which you can find potential customers.

So, how do you find red hot, profitable
Niches? Here are 4 important things you
Need to know before deciding on a niche:

1.Is the market easily defined and reachable?

2.Is the niche small enough not to have too
many competitors, but large enough to make
a profit?

3.Are other advertisers spending money
On this niche?

4.Are there a significant number of prospects
Passionate about the topic?

Here's one approach to finding killer

1.Visit your local bookstore or library.
2.Write down topics with "how to" "for
dummies" "idiot's guide to" in the title.
3.Note any perennial best sellers
4.Study magazine racks for hobby-related
Magazines. You are hunting for anything
That solves a problem.

Here's another approach:

1.Look inside yourself for things you enjoy.
2.Make lists of keywords that describe
These interests
3.Determine the Internet supply and demand
For each keyword (Wordtracker willIndicate this)
4.Survey the competition. How can you do
It better, faster, cheaper, etc.

Now...define your paying niche. Don't
Target a market that is too broad. If you like
Tennis, that's too broad a term. What about
"antique tennis racquets"? That's more
specialized and narrow.

At least at first, avoid niches that are too
Saturated, like "making money online."

To determine demand for your niche subject:

1.Go to the Overture Suggestion Tool
(http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ )
2.Type in "tutorial" then paste the results into
A spreadsheet or copy them into "my documents"
3.Do the same for "guide" and "how to"
These lists show what people are looking for

Next...type in all the words closely related to
Your master list of words. For example, for
The master word tennis, related words might be
Tennis racquets, tennis balls, tennis stars, etc.
Checking these terms out on Overture gives you
An estimate of the overall demand for your
Subject niche.

To get the available supply, go to Google.com
And type in each phrase separately. You might
Type in "tennis" and Google will give you over
14 million listings.

Now...determine the advertising cost for each
Word or phrase. Go to www.Overture.com and type
In each word or phrase. Click "view advertiser
Maximum bids" found in the upper right hand
Corner, which will show you the maximum bids
Each advertiser is willing to spend.

Go through this procedure with each word or
Phrase, and write down the top 3 bids for each.

From there, you can select a hot, in-demand
Keyword or phrase to build your business

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