Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Super Affiliate Secret Weapon

If you just want to be a regular affiliate and
Make some money, you don't need a website.
But if you want to be a SUPER affiliate and
Make tons of cash, use the super affiliate secret
Weapon: mini websites.

What IS a mini website? It's a small (usually
2-5 pages) site that promises just one product or
a small number of highly-related products. The
mini website has a single purpose and doesn't
try to be all things to all people.

Bottom line, the purpose of a mini site is to
Get reader to make a decision. It says "Here's
What I've got. Here's what it can do for you.
Yes or no?"

The mini site is used by super affiliates to
Outsell everyone else.

Here are a few of the benefits:
1.Mini sites sell products like crazy.

2.Surfers don't have to wade through a ton of
crap to find what they're looking for.

3.The mini site acts like a traffic magnet.

4.It takes advantage of search engine secrets
used by the pros.

5.You can create your own site within hours.

6.It's easier to keep your costs to a minimum.

Here are the 4 types of minisites, in order
Of their importance:

1.The site used purely to collect an email
Address. It offers something free (newsletter,
Ecourse, etc.) to entice reader to give up his
Address. It's most important because, with
The email address, you can make repeated
Offers. Extremely important!

2.Selling your own product or service.

3. Making referrals to an affiliate link to
someone's product or service you are
promoting. You can create a site for each

3.article archives.

Your mind goes numb at the thought of
Setting up a website? Not a problem. Minisite
Construction can be done by the complete
Dummy. If you know the difference between
Right and left click on your mouse, know
How to create a Microsoft Word document,
Know how to copy and paste, you can create
Your own site. Simply go to www.google.com
And type "how to build a mini website" in
The search bar. You'll be bombarded with
All kinds of brief tutorials. Skip the paid ones
And go with the free ones.

Still intimidated? Take comfort. There
Are products that can take you by the hand and
Walk you through the whole setup process,
Like "Easy Landing Pages":

Promoting your site is easy, too. Simply
Borrow articles from others related to your
Topic and post them on your site. All this to
Collect an email address. A win-win
Situation for you and the author. It's easy and,
Best of all, free.

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