Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Must-Know Niche Marketing

A niche market is a focused market. Individuals
In this group have the same specialized interests
And needs. And they have a strong desire for what
You have to

Having a niche will give your marketing efforts
A natural, sharp focus.

Niche marketing saves time and money. You
Are not all things to all people, but many things
To a profitable number of people.

The more narrowly you define your market, the
Easier it is to cater to the specific interests of that

Pursue a niche that is growing in popularity.

Often, you can charge more because you are
Offering products or services customized to your
Customers' specific needs.

The benefits you promise must have a special
Appeal to your niche. What's new? Compelling?
Identify (via survey) the unique needs of your
Target market.

Extremely Important: Develop your own
Product, especially digital ones (ebook?) You'll
Make more money, and you can have affiliates
Who promote YOUR product.

Create your own USP (unique selling
Proposition). That enables you to stand out
From the crowd.

Always test market. Determine how to
Position yourself against the competition. Also,
Test to gauge the market's receptiveness to your

Segment your market, that is, zero in on
Your target market. Is your market national or
International? Is it in your own community?
Don't forget about the possibility of a
Secondary market.

Use demographics to segment your market.
Break down your market by age, gender, education,
Religion, marital state, ethnicity, family life
Cycle (e.g. more than one child, all have left home).
Gather this info via survey.

Determine your target market psychographics:
Lifestyle, social class, opinions, activities and
Interests, attitudes and beliefs.

Speaking of surveys, don't ask too many
In any one survey. 5-10 is fine.

There are 3 reasons consumers purchase a
Product: 1) to satisfy a basic need 2) to solve
A problem 3) to feel good. Know which one
Your product or service is the solution to. Can
Be more than 1.

Businesses, on the other hand, buy products
For 3 different reasons: 1) to increase revenue
2) to maintain the status quo 3) to decrease

Learn how your prospects purchase:
Seasonally, locally, in volume. Who makes the
Buying decision (wife, manager, etc)?

Build and promote your mini website.
Create informative pages that attract visitors
And move them toward a purchase.

Provide as much info as possible. Include
Links to related subjects.

Use multiple websites to establish yourself
In each segment of your overall niche.

Say the right thing. Speak the language of
Your customers. Know their "hot buttons" and
Communicate as an insider.

On each mini site, promote only 1 thing at
A time.

Provide multiple ways for customer to

Encourage questions. This helps you become
More valuable in the eyes of your customers.

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